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Lab report 5

To find the tests with different results, I did use diff on the results of running a bash for loop.

for file in test-files/*.md; do echo "$file $(java -cp lib/*:. MarkdownParse $file)"; done > results.txt
diff --color=always results-mine.txt results-ucsd.txt

This produced the following output, which I searched through manually.

< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [/foo]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [url]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [baz]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [/foo`]
< test-files/ []
< test-files/ []
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [/uri]
> test-files/ [/uri]
> test-files/ [/uri]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [uri1]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [/uri]
< test-files/ []
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [/url]
> test-files/ [/url]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [train.jpg]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [<url>]
< test-files/ []
> test-files/ [/url]

I shall choose tests 14 and .

Test 14

\*not emphasized*
\<br/> not a tag
\[not a link](/foo)
\`not code`
1\. not a list
\* not a list
\# not a heading
\[foo]: /url "not a reference"
\&ouml; not a character entity

*not emphasized* > <br/> not a tag [not a link](/foo) `not code` 1. not a list * not a list # not a heading [foo]: /url “not a reference” \ö not a character entity

To describe which implementation is correct, I shall show the actual outputs and the expected output:

For the provided implementation, which is not correct, I shall describe the bug. The bug is because the implementation does not check for a backslash before the open bracket of the link. Here is the code that should be fixed (line 57).

int nextOpenBracket = markdown.indexOf("[", currentIndex);

Test 342

[not a `link](/foo`)

[not a link](/foo)

To describe which implementation is correct, I shall show the actual outputs and the expected output:

For the provided implementation, which is not correct, I shall describe the bug. The bug is because the implementation does not consider single backticks for preformatted text. Here is the code that should be fixed (lines 58–63).

int nextCodeBlock = markdown.indexOf("\n```");
if(nextCodeBlock < nextOpenBracket && nextCodeBlock != -1) {
    int endOfCodeBlock = markdown.indexOf("\n```");
    currentIndex = endOfCodeBlock + 1;