UGWA Ugwisha Used by many (but not all) students and staff at Gunn to check alternate schedules and see when the a period ends; only took about a month to make. OlamREEE Everyone in the class ended up using this digital version of the fictional element cards for our periodic trends project in chemistry. Gunn Student Simulator Blew up in both Gunn and Paly. Trig Drill Generator Was extremely useful for students in Trigonometry Honours classes. Underground Schoology A userscript that uses Schoology portfolios to store post and comment data for this secondary social media on top of Schoology; news of it spread, but only a few used it, and it quickly died to inactivity. HTMLifier Used by some Scratchers to package their projects into an independent HTML file. Unofficial extensions mod Used by a few developers for loading unofficial extensions in Scratch 3.0 because the original version did not officially support them.