Project HTMLifier

Convert a Scratch project to HTML

This packages your Scratch project into a single HTML file that can run on its own in a web browser. The HTML file will be pretty big because it contains the entire Scratch engine (2.6 MB) and the costume and sound files used in the project.

Note: The TurboWarp Packager has better performance and can produce .exe files. Refer to the See also section for more alternatives.

Save options in link · HTMLify

Select a project by...


What image should show while the project loads?

Select a file:

What should be stretched?

Mouse pointer (cursor)
Cursor style

Variable/list monitor colour
Monitor value background colour

Cloud variables
Where should cloud variables be stored?

Include custom JavaScript[Footnote]:

E羊icques (modded) options

Load unofficial extension from URL:

[Jump back up]Browsers do not let websites automatically play audio until the user interacts with the website by clicking/tapping somewhere. If sound is important, then you should make the user click on the project before starting.

[Jump back up]The mouse x/y blocks will report the accumulative mouse position, which you can use to determine the change in position between frames. If you enable this, you should also disable the maximum mouse x/y limit.

[Jump back up]Some jurisdictions have laws regarding the use of cookies, which you will have to deal if you share the converted project outside of Scratch.

[Jump back up] Scratch doesn't let other websites use its cloud server, but you can host your own using programs like primitive-cloud-server.

[Jump back up]Special cloud variable behaviours are non-standard way for Scratch projects to do things that normally can't be done in Scratch. See a list of the special behaviours for different cloud variable names on the wiki. You can use E羊icques to use the special behaviours in the editor.

[Jump back up]The custom JavaScript will be included in the HTML file so that you can add custom functionality to the project. These are also compatible with E羊icques plugins.

[Jump back up]The .zip file will contain an index.html file and separate files for the project's assets, but this means opening the HTML file directly in the browser won't work. Learn more about the .zip file.

If you want to view or edit the HTML file, you can use the specialized Large File Editor to hide the long lines that may hang or crash normal text editors.

Update history

See the code and previous versions on Github.

2021-08-12 (download)

2021-08-09 (download)

2021-08-08 (download)

Past updates

2021-03-16 (download)

2021-02-07 (download)


2020-06-13 (download)

2020-06-01 (download)


2020-03-29 (download)














Made by Sheep_maker, who used scratch-vm, JSZip, Deno, React, and their dependencies for this project.

CSS by Mr. Cringe Kid.

See also

Depending on your use case, the HTMLifier may not be the best option for you. The HTMLifier prioritizes accuracy by using almost the same engine that vanilla Scratch uses, sacrificing speed and editability.

If you want better performance, compile the project to JavaScript: Phosphorus (Scratch 2.0 only), Forkphorus, and TurboWarp.

If you want to learn JavaScript, convert the Scratch blocks to close equivalents in JavaScript using Leopard.