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:A00Jiyoung,Ko 0025RCLAS24 LAR40 14001450A010025RCLAS24 LAR41 14001450A020025RCLAS24 LAR45 14001450A03 RCLAS24 LER36 11001350A00 20240907TBA FITBA 11301429 MUS 4 Introduction to Western Music /courses/MUS.html#mus4 :A00Peter,Ko 0025RCLAS13 LAR40 14001450A010025RCLAS13 LAR41 14001450A02 RCLAS13 LER36 11001350A00 20240906TBA FITBA 11301429 MUS 5R Sound in Time :A00Shlomo,Dubnov 0025RCLAS13 LAR40 11001150A010025RCLAS13 LAR41 11001150A020025RCLAS13 LAR45 11001150A03 RCLAS13 LER36 08001050A00 20240906TBA FITBA 08001059 MUS 6 Electronic Music /courses/MUS.html#mus6 .A00Charles Augustus,Deluga 0025CPMC 13 DI145 14001450A01 CPMC 13 LE145 11001350A00 MUS 7 Music, Media and Technology /courses/MUS.html#mus7 :A00Zehao,Wang 0025RCLAS13 DIR40 21002150A010025RCLAS13 DIR41 21002150A02 RCLAS13 LER36 18002050A00 20240906TBA FITBA 19002159 MUS 8 American Music: Jazz Cultures /courses/MUS.html#mus8 :A00David Garcia,Borgo 0026RCLAS24 DIR40 20002050A010025RCLAS24 DIR41 20002050A02 RCLAS24 LER36 17001950A00 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H.,Loh Chin Hsiung,Loh 0020TBA TBA LATBA TBA TBA A01 TBA TBA LETBA TBA TBA A00 SE 167GSSignal Proc.&Spectral Analysis .A00Kenneth J. 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