ece 109 cumsheet
cumulative cheat sheet
i will turn this into a better cheat sheet for the final, just need to know what doesn't need to be on it
week 1: event
i dont have anything to say lmao
P(E \cup F) = P(E) + P(F) - P(EF)
"inclusion-exclusion principle," subtracts double counted intersection
P(E) = \frac{|E|}{|S|}
but only if it's
\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k! \, (n - k)!}
G - F = GF^C
does not occur = complement occurred
"not necessarily" is a valid response to "does [event] occur?"
post-quiz note: none of this was used
week 2: given
conditional probability
P(E | F) = \frac{P(EF)}{P(F)} = \frac{P(F | E) \, P(E)}{P(F)}
P(EF) = P(E | F) \, P(F) = P(F | E) \, P(E)
\begin{aligned} P(B) &= P(BA) + P(BA^C) = P(B | A) \, P(A) + P(B | A^C) \, P(A^C) ~ \text{splitting into cases} \\ &= P(B | A_1) \, P(A_1) + \dots + P(B | A_n) \, P(A_n) \\ P(B | E) &= P(B | A_1 E) \, P(A_1 | E) + \dots + P(B | A_n E) \, P(A_n | E) \end{aligned}
P(A_1 \dots A_n) = P(A_1) \, P(A_2 | A_1) \, P(A_3 | A_1 A_2) \dots
P(A_n | A_1 \dots A_{n-1})
"chain rule"
P(A_i | B) = \dfrac{P(B | A_i) \, P(A_i)}{\displaystyle\sum_{j =
1}^n P(B | A_j) \, P(A_j)}
"bayes theorem"
if E
P(E | F) = 0
E \subseteq F
EF = E
P(F | E) = 1
split complicated events into cases
post quiz note: we did not use this. did need to know how to interpret gibberish like "ur mom but not my mom"
week 3: independent
If E
and F
P(EF) = P(E) \, P(F)
P(E | F) = P(E)
ifP(F) \neq 0
are also independent
If A
and B
independent given C
P(AB | C) = P(A | C) \, P(B | C)
ifP(C) \neq 0
P(A | BC) = P(A | C)
but they aren't independent given
If E
and F
disjoint and their probabilities aren't 0, they're
not independent
If three events are independent to each other ("pairwise independent")
P(ABC) = P(A) \, P(B) \, P(C)
(which isn't
necessarily true), they're independent
Probability E
occurs exactly
times in
independent trials:
\binom{n}{k} (P(E))^k (1 - P(E))^{n-k}
For disjoint A
, probability that
occurs before
in independent trials:
\frac{P(A)}{P(A) + P(B)}
and i guess random vars are fair game too??
"with replacement" = putting it back (→ independent trials)
disjoint and subset events are not independent
don't forget that you know about their complements too
post quiz: P(A | C)
is NOT
. the conditional
independence equations above were useful
week 4: cumdf
(CDF/pmf definitions moved to a table in week 5)
here are a bunch of formulas that are probably kind of easy to remember/figure out on the spot
P(X > u) = 1 - F(u)
P(X < u) = F(u^-)
P(X \geq u) = 1 - F(u^-)
P(X = u) =
"jump atu
" (if continuous it's 0) P(a < X \leq b) = F(b) - F(a)
P(a < X < b) = F(b^-) - F(a)
P(a \leq X < b) = F(b^-) - F(a^-)
P(a \leq X \leq b) = F(b) - F(a^-)
cumDF only needs to be right continuous, so
F(u) = F(u^+) \neq F(u^-)
when zeger has P([a, b]) = b - a
, split into
cases based on possible values of X
endpoints of idk (for example, if X
could be
0 and 1, then your cases would be u < 0
0 \leq u < 1
, etc, see w4d2 lecture
example or winter 22 quiz 4.3)
also, P(E^C | F) = 1 - P(E | F)
i do not imagine any of this will be needed on the quiz
post quiz: nothing was used. the quiz was easy
week 5: expected
function | stands for | typical function name and formula | graph notes | rules/properties |
cumulative distribution function |
F_X(u) = P(X \leq u) |
filled bubbles always above open circles |
never decreases, starts at 0 and ends at 1 |
pmf |
probability mass function |
p_X(u) = P(X = u) |
bars with dots on them |
never negative, bars add to 1 |
probability density function |
f_X(u) = \frac{dF_X(u)}{du} |
never negative, area under curve is 1 P(a < X \leq b) = \int\limits_a^b f_X(u) du |
expected value/mean:
E[X] = \sum_u u f_X(u)
E[X] = \int\limits^\infty_{-\infty} u f_X(u) du
special rv | pmf/pdf | intuition | mean | variance | |
uniform discrete rv |
binary rv
(deterministic rv when |
p_X(0) = 1 - q p_X(1) = q |
flipping a biased coin |
E[X] = q |
\sigma_X^2 = q(1-q) |
binomial rv |
p_X(k) = \binom{n}{k} p^k (1 - p)^{n-k} for |
number of heads from flipping biased coin
E[X] = np |
poisson rv |
p_X(k) = \dfrac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!} for |
E[X] = \lambda |
geometric rv |
p_X(k) = p(1 - p)^{k - 1} for |
number of biased coin flips until first head |
E[X] = \frac{1}{p} |
uniformly distributed rv on |
f_X(u) = \begin{cases} \dfrac{1}{b - a} & \text{if $a < u < b$} \\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases} |
E[X] = \frac{a + b}{2} |
\sigma_X^2 = \frac{(a-b)^2}{12} |
gaussian/normal rv X \sim \N(m, \sigma^2) |
f_X(u) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\dfrac{1}{2}\left(\dfrac{u - m}{\sigma}\right)^2} |
E[X] = m |
\Var(X) = \sigma^2 |
exponential rv |
f_X(u) = \begin{cases} \lambda e^{-\lambda u} & \text{if $u > 0$} \\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases} |
E[X] = \frac{1}{\lambda} |
post-quiz: none of this was very useful, but desmos is!!
week 6: variance
CDF for X \sim \N(0, 1)
\Phi(u) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int\limits_{-\infty}^u e^{-\frac{z^2}{2}} dz = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\erf\left(\frac{u}{\sqrt{2}}\right)
for X \sim \N(m, \sigma^2)
F_X(u) = \Phi\left(\dfrac{u-m}{\sigma}\right)
i dont think i need to know this at all, but
\erf(u) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int\limits_0^u e^{-t^2} dt
more expected value properties:
E[g(X)] = \begin{cases} \displaystyle\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty g(u) f_X(u) du & \text{continuous} \\ \displaystyle\sum_u g(u) p_X(u) & \text{discrete} \end{cases}
E[g_1(X) + g_2(X)] = E[g_1(X)] + E[g_2(X)]
th moment:
. first moment is mean
th central moment:
E[(X - E[X])^n]
. first central moment is
zero, second central moment is variance (sqrt is stddev)
\sigma_X^2 = \Var(X) = E[(X - E[X])^2] = E[X^2] - E[X]^2
for Y = aX + b
E[aX + b] = aE[X] + b
p_Y(u) = p_X\left(\dfrac{u-b}{a}\right)
\sigma_Y^2 = a^2 \sigma_X^2
X \sim \N(m, \sigma^2)
, thenY \sim \N(am + b, a^2 \sigma^2)
to find pdf of Y
in terms of
(pdf of X
set up CDF of
in terms ofF_X
) differentiate
\frac{d}{du} \int\limits_{h(u)}^{g(u)} f(z, u) dz = f(g(u), u) g'(u) - f(h(u), u) h'(u) + \int\limits_{h(u)}^{g(u)} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial u} f(z, u)\right) dz ~ \text{(leibniz rule)}
joint cumdfs probably not this week
You can visually use the center of mass of the pdf/pmf for expected value
Variance is never negative
Use Wolfram Alpha!
be prepared to complete the square and stuff to make things look like a gaussian
post quiz note:
know your log properties
\Var(aX^2) = a^2\Var(X^2)
because if you letY = X^2
then\Var(aX^2) = \Var(aY) = a^2 \Var(Y) = a^2 \Var(X^2)
when using desmos to calculate variance of
Y = 2 - 3X^2
you can't dropX = 0
when calculating expected value becauseY \neq 0
week 7: joint
joint | marginal | |
cumDF |
F_{X,Y}(u, v) = P(X \leq u, Y \leq v) |
F_X(u) = F_{X,Y}(u, \infty) F_Y(u) = F_{X,Y}(\infty, v) |
pmf |
p_{X,Y}(u, v) = P(X = u, Y = v) to get a probability of a region, just add the probabilities in it P((X, Y) \in T) = \sum_{(u, v) \in T} p_{X,Y}(u, v)
the CDF is like an infinite rectangle with top right corner
F_{X,Y}(a, b) = P((X, Y) \in \{(u, v) | u \leq a, v \leq b\}) \sum_{u, v} p_{X,Y}(u, v) = 1 |
p_X(u) = \sum_u p_{X,Y}(u, v) p_Y(v) = \sum_u p_{X,Y}(u, v) |
you can take a partial derivative in either order f_{X,Y}(u, v) = \frac{\partial^2 F_{X,Y}(u, v)}{\partial u \, \partial v} derived from P((X, Y) \in T) = \iint\limits_T f_{X,Y}(u, v) \, du \, dv pdf ⇒ CDF: F_{X,Y}(u, v) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^v \int\limits_{-\infty}^u f_{X,Y}(s, t) \, ds \, dt \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_{X,Y}(u, v) \, du \, dv = 1 |
f_X(u) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_{X,Y}(u, v) \, dv f_Y(v) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_{X,Y}(u, v) \, du |
(from spencer vid) to find a probability from joint pdf:
figure out what region to integrate over depending on the event given
do integral. lmao
shortcut! if you know that a marginal pdf will be constant (eg when
finding marginal pdf of Y
where joint pdf
only dependent on u
)) you can just solve for C
by setting area
= 1
post quiz. desmos is ideal for those double integrals. everything was just pdf stuff, so didnt use this cumsheet for the quiz
week 8: independent rvs
these are equivalent:
are independent -
P(X \in A, Y \in B) = P(X \in A) \, P(Y \in B)
A, B \in \mathbb{R}
joint CDF factors:
F_{X,Y}(u, v) = F_X(u) \, F_Y(v)
for allu, v
joint pdf factors:
f_{X,Y}(u, v) = f_X(u) \, f_Y(v)
for allu, v
joint pmf factors:
p_{X,Y}(u, v) = p_X(u) \, p_Y(v)
for allu, v
iid (independent, identically distributed) means same pdf/pmf
rv | |
Z = X + Y |
\begin{aligned} f_e(w) &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_{X,Y}(w - v, v) \, dv \\ &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_{X,Y}(u, w - u) \, du \\ &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_X(w - v) \, f_Y(v) \, dv ~ \text{(if independent; convolution integral)} \\ &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty f_X(u) \, f_Y(w - u) \, du \end{aligned} |
Z = \max(X, Y) |
\begin{aligned} f_Z(w) &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^t f_{X,Y}(u, t) \, du + \int\limits_{-\infty}^t f_{X,Y}(t, v) \, dv \\ &= F_X(t) \, f_Y(t) + f_X(t) \, F_Y(t) ~ \text{(if independent)} \\ &= n \, F_X^{n-1}(t) \, f_{X_1}(t) ~ \text{(if $n$ iid rvs)} \\ &= \begin{cases} nt^{n-1} ~ \text{if $t \in [0, 1]$} \\ 0 ~ \text{else} \end{cases} ~ \text{(if rvs uniform on $[0, 1]$)} \end{aligned} |
Z = XY |
f_Z(a) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{1}{|v|} f_{X,Y}\left(\frac{a}{v}, v\right) \, dv |
from spencer:
P(\max(X, Y) \geq 1) = 1 - P(\max(X, Y) < 1)
which is a bit more useful -
polar integration
\iint f(r, \theta) r dr d\theta
when the quiz asks which of a bunch of joint pmf graphs are independent, the rows/columns should be multiples of each other
post-quiz: yeah actually in general, if you have two independent uniform rvs, their joint pdf/pmf will be a rectangle/array
week 9: covariance
f_{X + Y, X - Y}(a, b) = \frac{1}{2} f_{X,Y}\left(\frac{a + b}{2}, \frac{a - b}{2}\right)
\begin{aligned} E[Z = g(X_1, \dots, X_n)] &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty \dots \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty g(u_1, \dots, u_n) \, f_{X_1, \dots, X_n}(u_1, \dots, u_n) \, du_1 \dots du_n \\ E[g(X, Y)] &= \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty \int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty g(u, v) \, f_{X, Y}(u, v) \, du dv & \text{(continuous)} \\ &= \sum_v \sum_u g(u, v) \, p_{X, Y}(u, v) & \text{(discrete)} \end{aligned}
E[X + Y] = E[X] + E[Y] ~ \text{They don't need to be independent}
\begin{aligned} \Cov(X, Y) &= E[(X - E[X])(Y - E[Y])] \\ &= E[XY] - E[X] \, E[Y] \\ \Cov(X, X) &= \Var(X) \\ \Cov(X, Y + Z) &= \Cov(X, Y) + \Cov(X, Z) \\ \Cov(aX, bY) &= ab \Cov(X, Y) \\ \Var(X \pm Y) &= \Var(X) + \Var(Y) \pm 2 \Cov(X, Y) \\ &= \Var(X) + \Var(Y) ~ \text{if uncorrelated} \end{aligned}
for independent rvs,
\Var(X_1 \pm \dots \pm X_n) = \Var(X_1) \pm \dots \pm \Var(X_n)
correlation coefficient
\begin{aligned} \rho_{X, Y} &= \frac{\Cov(X, Y)}{\sigma_X \sigma_Y} \\ &= E\left[\left(\frac{X - E[X]}{\sigma_X}\right)\left(\frac{Y - E[Y]}{\sigma_Y}\right)\right] \\ |\rho_{X, Y}| &\leq 1 \end{aligned}
independence → (uncorrelated ↔
E[XY] = E[X] \, E[Y]
then zeger went on to talk about estimation.. which spencer DID mention , so 😱😱😱
mean squared error = E[(X - \hat{X})^2]
error e
, true value
, estimate
best linear estimate
\begin{aligned} \hat{X} &= \frac{E[XY]}{E[Y^2]} \cdot Y \\ &= \rho_{X, Y} Y ~ \text{if $\sigma_X = \sigma_Y = 1$, $E[X] = E[Y] = 0$} \end{aligned}
joint gaussian
\begin{aligned} f_{X,Y}(u, v) &= \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma_X\sigma_Y\sqrt{1-\rho^2}} ~ e^{\displaystyle -\frac{1}{2(1 - \rho^2)} \left( \left(\frac{u - m_X}{\sigma_X}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{v - m_Y}{\sigma_Y}\right)^2 - 2\rho\left(\frac{u - m_X}{\sigma_X}\right)\left(\frac{v - m_Y}{\sigma_Y}\right) \right)} ~ \text{where $\rho$ is the correlation coeff} \\ &= \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{1-\rho^2}} ~ e^{\displaystyle -\frac{1}{2(1 - \rho^2)} (u^2 + v^2 - 2\rho uv)} ~ \text{if $m_X = m_Y = 0$, $\sigma_X = \sigma_Y = 1$} \\ \end{aligned}
just for gaussians, independence ↔ uncorrelated
don't mix up stddev and variance!! make sure to sqrt variance for
for correlation coefficient, but
when the problem asks to sum variances leave it as
maybe the infinite integral of e^{-ax}
be nice to have
\begin{aligned} \int\limits_0^\infty e^{-ax} dx &= -\frac{1}{a} e^{-ax} \bigg\rvert_0^\infty \\ &= -\frac{1}{a} e^{-a\infty} + \frac{1}{a} e^0 \\ &= -\frac{1}{a} \cdot 0 + \frac{1}{a} \cdot 1 \\ &= \boxed{\frac{1}{a}} \end{aligned}
actually this seems incredibly limited i would just use desmos
at least for fall '21 #2 apparently it is better to use the gaussian pdf not the joint gaussian
post-quiz: needed to double check variance equation