LinkedIn Queens solver

Solves LinkedIn's game Queens using brute force.

Upload or paste a screenshot of the game, then drag to select the region containing the grid. This will then scan the pixel colors to determine the puzzle grid from your screenshot.

Sometimes, if the sampled pixels fall next to an outline or a marker, it will find an anti-aliased pixel whose color is blended between the grid color and the black pixel. Just re-select the region and keep an eye on the little dots to make sure they don't get too close to the black pixels.

To solve the puzzle, it tries to put a queen in every cell in the smallest region and eliminates cells from all the other regions. Then, it recursively tries a queen in the cells of the next smallest region, and so on.

Surprisingly, this naïve brute-force approach seems to work most of the time, even while you get invalid boards while selecting your region. I think it's because my algorithm works on the smallest region first, and the board size is relatively small so there aren't too many potential cells.