
Minecraft16 is Bryce; I might use both names for the same person so watch out.

I'm Sean, but my POV (and tense) (and thinking processes) isn't very stable.

Welcome to The Weekly News!

Note that Bryce did not write this article, Sean did.

So this is a place where you can obtain knowledge that you might not already know.

You might be wondering why this even started existing.

As you can see I'm not very good at writing long stuff. Things tend to get out of order.

  1. Minecraft16 hands out The Weekly News #2 after lunch before this time at school that the school calls "Wednesday Instructional Period" which is a period that is usually (but not always) on Wednesdays in which we are unproductively pretending to do our homework that is often abbrev. as WIP.
  2. Sean gets out his red pen and "corrects" the paper's very horrifying grammar.
  3. After school ends and people run out of school screaming (majestically not killing anyone sadly), Sean offers to put the newspaper on the web.
  4. Minecraft16 asks for the game I'm supposed to make to be made. So he can advertise stuff. Advertisements are cool as long as they aren't colorful.
  5. As you can see, I ended up never making the game. Hopefully he won't notice.

Hi! Welcome to The Weekly News!

Anyways, don't forget to subscribe to Minecraft16! Obviously.