File con­verters

Here's a list of all the file converters on my website.

Convert to pdf

Convert image to pdf

Use One PDF.

  1. Click on "Add image" and select an image file.
  2. Optionally, add additional images or text notes to the PDF.
  3. Click "Download" to download the PDF. The resulting PDF is also previewed on the right.

Convert png to pdf

Convert jpg to pdf

Convert to mp3

Convert wav to mp3

Use the Audio Editor.

  1. Select the wav file under "Add sound."
  2. Click "download as mp3."

Convert to wav

Convert mp3 to wav

Use the Audio Editor.

  1. Select the mp3 file under "Add sound."
  2. Click "download as wav."

Convert to svg

Convert image to svg

Use Bitmap to vector, made to convert Scratch bitmap costumes to vector costumes. This embeds the image directly in the SVG, so there is no increase in quality, but this can prevent Scratch from shrinking the costume if it is too large.

  1. Select an image under "Images" or paste an image from your clipboard.
  2. A preview will instantly appear. Click "Download" to download the SVG.
  3. If the SVG is too large, set "Scale" to a number between 0 and 1 to shrink the SVG.

Alternatively, use Bitmap to SVG. This converts each pixel into a square, so zooming in will reveal individual pixels. However, the result may be very large.

  1. Select an image under "image to svgify" or paste an image from your clipboard.
  2. A preview will instantly appear. Click "download" to download the SVG.

Convert font to svg

Use the Scratch Text Engine Maker to convert select glyphs from a font into individual SVG files. Note that the resulting SVG files only import properly in Scratch 2.0.

  1. Select a font file under "Upload a font file."
  2. Optionally, adjust the other settings to your pleasing. This will only create SVGs for the characters listed under "Type in the characters you would like to support."
  3. Click on "Click me to download a ZIP with the vector costumes!" to download a ZIP file containing SVG files for each glyph.
  4. If you are importing this into Scratch, use Scratch 2.0 for best results, and import the text in the text box into a list.

Convert png to svg

Convert jpg to svg

Convert gif to svg

Convert webp to svg

Convert woff to svg

Convert otf to svg

Convert ttf to svg

Convert to png

Convert svg to png

Use SVG to PNG.

  1. Select an svg file in the file selector at the top of the page.
  2. Optionally, to resize the PNG, set the width and height and then check "Custom width/height?" (the checkbox must be checked after setting the width and height).
  3. Right click on the preview and save or copy it as a png.

Convert gif to png

Use Minecraft GIF to animated texture. This will make a PNG with each of the GIF's frames stacked on top of each other.

  1. Select a gif file under "GIF."
  2. Adjust the other settings as you please. This is intended for creating animated textures for Minecraft, so you may have to set "Width of texture" and "Height of texture" to the gif's original width and height if you do not want it to be resized.
  3. Right click on the image under "TEXTURE_NAME.png" and save or copy it as a png.

Convert to jpg

Convert image to jpg

Use JPG quality.

  1. Select an image under "image to ruin" or paste an image from your clipboard.
  2. Set "quality" to your desired quality. A lower qualtiy will result in more compression artifacts, but a higher quality will have a larger file size. Set to 1 to not lose quality.
  3. Right click the preview that appears and save or copy the image.

Convert png to jpg

See Convert image to jpg. Note that transparent pixels will become black.

Convert gif to jpg

See Convert image to jpg. Note that transparent pixels will become black, and the image will not be animated.

Convert svg to jpg

See Convert image to jpg. Note that transparent regions will become black.

Convert webp to jpg

See Convert image to jpg. Note that transparent pixels will become black.

Convert to webp

Convert image to webp

Use JPG quality. Yes, contrary to what the name suggests, this tool also can produce webp files.

  1. Select an image under "image to ruin" or paste an image from your clipboard.
  2. Change the "jpeg" dropdown to "webp."
  3. Set "quality" to your desired quality. A lower qualtiy will result in more compression artifacts, but a higher quality will have a larger file size. Set to 1 to not lose quality.
  4. Right click the preview that appears and save or copy the image.

Convert png to webp

Convert jpg to webp

Convert gif to webp

See Convert image to webp. Note that the image will not be animated.

Convert svg to webp

Convert to webm

Convert image to webm

Use OpenShit.

  1. Click on the plus (+) icon in the top left corner to select an image.
  2. Drag the image that appears to the bottom left corner. The image should appear in the timeline at the bottom as well as the preview on the top right.
  3. Optionally, adjust the duration of the video by resizing the image track in the timeline, or add an audio file to go with the image.
  4. From the menu bar on the top left, go to File > Export. Wait for the video to export, then the webm should automatically download.

Convert audio to webm

Use OpenShit.

  1. Click on the plus (+) icon in the top left corner to select an audio file.
  2. Drag the waveform that appears to the bottom left corner. The audio should appear in the timeline at the bottom. You can press the play button to preview the audio.
  3. Optionally, adjust the duration of the video by resizing the audio track in the timeline to trim or loop it, or add an image to go with the audio.
  4. From the menu bar on the top left, go to File > Export. Wait for the video to export, then the webm should automatically download.

Convert png to webm

Convert jpg to webm

Convert gif to webm

See Convert image to webm. Note that even though this produces a video, the gif will not animate and will only show its first frame.

Convert svg to webm

Convert webp to webm

Convert mp3 to webm

Convert wav to webm

Convert to html

Convert Scratch to html

Use the HTMLifier.

  1. Select the project file under "selecting a file on your computer."
  2. Click the "HTMLify" button.

Convert sb to html

Convert sb2 to html

Convert sb3 to html

Convert to txt

Convert image to txt

Use Image to Scheme. This will convert each pixel to an ASCII character that visually represents its brightness.

  1. Optionally, set "resolution (pixel square size to group)." By default, it's set to 3, so the resulting image will be only a third of the image's width and height, and each character will represent the average brightness of a 3 by 3 square of pixels.
  2. Select an image under "image."
  3. Copy and paste the resulting text into a text editor, then save as a txt file.

Convert png to txt

See Convert image to txt. Note that transparent pixels will become at signs (@).

Convert jpg to txt

Convert gif to txt

See Convert image to txt. Note that transparent pixels will become at signs (@), and the result will not be animated.

Convert svg to txt

See Convert image to txt. Note that transparent pixels will become at signs (@).

Convert webp to txt

See Convert image to txt. Note that transparent pixels will become at signs (@).