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Me standing on a wall surrounded by water at Sutro Baths with the sun setting behind me.

I’m Sean, entering my fourth year at UC San Diego, formerly a student at Gunn High School.

Pronounce: /ʃɔːn/

Pronouns: he/him/his ♂️

Location: SF Bay Area and San Diego

Time Zone: Pacific Time

Age: at least 13 years

Zodiac: sheep , Aries

I made this website for current and former kids. If you're an employer, check out my résumé.


How to stalk me

Sign the Guestbook: Leave comments, ask questions, or say what's on your mind. Contact me through Discord; Join my server to message me without sending a friend request. Follow me on Instagram; I like big numbers. View my résumé


There’s some more on Scratch and GitHub.

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Thumbnail for Almost everythingAlmost everything Thumbnail for PlatformrePlatformre Thumbnail for A PlatformerA Platformer Thumbnail for Audio EditorAudio Editor Thumbnail for Colour input IIColour input II Thumbnail for Level editorLevel editor Thumbnail for TurkeysTurkeys Thumbnail for TelegraphTelegraph Thumbnail for Clicker GameClicker Game Thumbnail for Dodge dots game thingDodge dots game thing Thumbnail for Explodey OthelloExplodey Othello Thumbnail for Color fight thingColor fight thing Thumbnail for Connect 3Connect 3 Thumbnail for Gunn student simulatorGunn student simulator Thumbnail for “Fun” Gunn Run“Fun” Gunn Run Thumbnail for YESNTYESNT Thumbnail for Pistole offers a wide range of opportunities.Pistole offers a wide range of opportunities. Thumbnail for Escape from SELFEscape from SELF Thumbnail for The HouseThe House Thumbnail for The HotelThe Hotel Thumbnail for Rhythm GameRhythm Game Thumbnail for PFPFPFPFPFPF Thumbnail for RoshamboRoshambo Thumbnail for SHFSHF Thumbnail for Tower builderTower builder Thumbnail for Combine images into single PDFCombine images into single PDF Thumbnail for OpenShitOpenShit Thumbnail for Smothered RockSmothered Rock Thumbnail for Pan left and rightPan left and right Thumbnail for SpectrogramSpectrogram Thumbnail for SSTV encoderSSTV encoder Thumbnail for Make audio low qualityMake audio low quality Thumbnail for MP4 analyzerMP4 analyzer Thumbnail for SVG path editorSVG path editor Thumbnail for SVG to PNGSVG to PNG Thumbnail for Embed image inside SVGEmbed image inside SVG Thumbnail for JPG QualityJPG Quality Thumbnail for Image chopperImage chopper Thumbnail for text-savetext-save Thumbnail for Character copy areaCharacter copy area Thumbnail for CryptographyCryptography Thumbnail for HTMLifierHTMLifier Thumbnail for E羊icquesE羊icques Thumbnail for Discord webhook senderDiscord webhook sender Thumbnail for Pin sticky note on topPin sticky note on top Thumbnail for Diff CheckerDiff Checker Thumbnail for Large file viewerLarge file viewer Thumbnail for Grade Care CalculatorGrade Care Calculator Thumbnail for Centimeter converterCentimeter converter Thumbnail for Special character finderSpecial character finder Thumbnail for Text transformerText transformer Thumbnail for Text to SpeechText to Speech Thumbnail for Large TextLarge Text Thumbnail for GIF caption editorGIF caption editor Thumbnail for Weird flex but okWeird flex but ok Thumbnail for There are no prereqsThere are no prereqs Thumbnail for URL obfuscatorURL obfuscator Thumbnail for AttitudeAttitude Thumbnail for Trig Drill GeneratorTrig Drill Generator Thumbnail for Trig and calculus cheat sheetTrig and calculus cheat sheet Thumbnail for Differential calculus cheat sheetDifferential calculus cheat sheet Thumbnail for Big O notationsBig O notations Thumbnail for Convert decimal to fractionConvert decimal to fraction Thumbnail for Sig fig counterSig fig counter Thumbnail for Roots and AffixesRoots and Affixes Thumbnail for Happy Number FinderHappy Number Finder Thumbnail for Sieve of EranthosesSieve of Eranthoses Thumbnail for AnimationsAnimations Thumbnail for Sentence GeneratorSentence Generator Thumbnail for Longer TweetsLonger Tweets Thumbnail for F WordF Word Thumbnail for PenlandPenland Thumbnail for Penland NovaPenland Nova Thumbnail for Penworld (Canvas2D)Penworld (Canvas2D) Thumbnail for Penworld (WebGL)Penworld (WebGL) Thumbnail for KaabaKaaba Thumbnail for Platformer PaintPlatformer Paint Thumbnail for 3-letter hangman3-letter hangman Thumbnail for Sudoku solverSudoku solver Thumbnail for Unofficial Gunn Web AppUnofficial Gunn Web App Thumbnail for UgwishaUgwisha Thumbnail for EliminationElimination Thumbnail for OlamREEEOlamREEE Thumbnail for UCSD classroom scheduleUCSD classroom schedule Thumbnail for SunSETSunSET Thumbnail for Magic 8 BallMagic 8 Ball Thumbnail for Envision Your DestintyEnvision Your Destinty Thumbnail for ACM Membership PortalACM Membership Portal Thumbnail for Fluent emoji listFluent emoji list Thumbnail for Billy Goat blog themeBilly Goat blog theme Thumbnail for CountdownCountdown Thumbnail for It's still March 2020It's still March 2020 Thumbnail for Proof that π = 4Proof that π = 4 Thumbnail for Context Menu TestContext Menu Test Thumbnail for PNG bombPNG bomb Thumbnail for Image to ASCIIImage to ASCII Thumbnail for Tile editorTile editor Thumbnail for JavaScript reference sheetJavaScript reference sheet Thumbnail for TerminalTerminal Thumbnail for USB PuTTY readerUSB PuTTY reader Thumbnail for Flappy bird AIFlappy bird AI Thumbnail for κλωναλγκλωναλγ Thumbnail for Chain reaction particlesChain reaction particles Thumbnail for Conway's Game of LifeConway's Game of Life Thumbnail for Cell simulationCell simulation Thumbnail for MarsMars Thumbnail for OvinetopiaOvinetopia Thumbnail for ElementsElements Thumbnail for Red Light, Green LightRed Light, Green Light Thumbnail for JavascriptsJavascripts Thumbnail for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Thumbnail for ThingkinglandThingkingland Thumbnail for ParticlesParticles Thumbnail for MinigamesMinigames Thumbnail for Chromebook creationsChromebook creations Thumbnail for Userscripts and userstylesUserscripts and userstyles Thumbnail for Eyo dictionaryEyo dictionary Thumbnail for Eyo word validatorEyo word validator

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